Virginia Autism Resource Center (VARC)
1314 West Main Street
P O Box 842011
Richmond, VA 23284
(855) 711-6987
Get DirectionsContact Information
(855) 711-6987
(877) 667-7771
(804) 828-2494
Who We Are
The Virginia Autism Resource Center at Virginia Commonwealth University houses a lending library that offers a wide variety of materials and information. Our extensive lending library offers more than 1,000 books and 200 videotapes on topics related to autism spectrum disorders.
Anyone residing in the Commonwealth of Virginia is eligible to check out items from the lending library and borrowing from our library is free. After searching the library, use the checkout sheet to request items, or contact us at (877) 667-7771 with any questions.
Who We Serve
Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Cost & Payment Methods
Fee Structure
No Fee
Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Intake Process
Please call or visit the website for more information.
Intake Contact Email