Who We Are
St. Mary's offers residential home for children and young adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. Children and young adults from across Virginia who have severe intellectual and physical disabilities live, play and go to school at St. Mary’s Home, a national leader in pediatric long-term care. We also can help children who need respite, or short-stay, care, perhaps because of a family emergency or surgery requiring intensive post-operative physical therapy.
Nursing staff provide professional, 24-hour clinical care, and nearly 20 specialists from Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters and Eastern Virginia Medical School routinely come to the Home to see the children. The children have regular physical therapy, and occupational therapy staff fit the children for splints to keep their limbs in alignment and customize and maintain their wheelchairs and other equipment. The dietary service department prepares and delivers all meals based on physician-approved diets overseen by a registered dietitian. Support coordinators meet with the children, parents or guardians and staff to make sure the children receive appropriate services based on their individual needs.
The children also enjoy many activities both at the Home and in the community, from swimming in the Home’s therapy pool to taking field trips to the beach, the library or a museum, supervised by the recreational therapy and activities staffs.