200 East 33rd St., #17C
New York, NY 10016
(800) 221-2483
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Who We Are
The book, Stutter No More, By Dr. Martin F. Schwartz, was was published in 1991. The book is a compilation of thought, based on research and his vast clinical experience, is now available free online. In addition to recent developments in his multi-dimensional techniques, there are chapters on: Recent research findings with implications for a future cure. A new and simple technique for rapidly reducing speaking-situation fears. A survey of current treatment approaches - their pros and cons.
A diagnostic test to help determine if children will outgrow their stuttering. Special tips for stutterers, their families, and friends.
For a bound copy and other useful information, send your name, address and $6.00, together with the age of the person who stutters, and your relation to the person to: NCS, 200 East 33rd St., NYC, NY 10016.