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HD Free with PGD

Contact Information

Who We Are

HD Free With PGD is a website with information on a way to stop Huntington's Disease (HD) in the future generations of your family.  PGD is pre-implantation genetic diagnosis of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos to determine their genetic makeup.  When the embryos contain eight cells, they are tested for the HD mutation in the Huntington gene.  Only embryos with the unaffected gene are transferred to the mother.  These embryos will never get HD or transmit it to their children.  PGD is useful for couples who are at risk of passing a genetic disorder to their children.

Who We Serve

Service Area(s)

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Private Insurance
Fee Structure
Fee Range

Age Requirements
18 and over

Intake Process
Visit the website or email
Intake Contact
Stacy Brook
Intake Contact Email