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The Behaviorist Next Door

(202) 549-0797

Contact Information

(202) 549-0797

Who We Are

The Behaviorist Next Door provides online coaching services for sleep for children with special needs ages 1 through 14. Special needs can include autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, adhd, or other developmental and cognitive needs. These courses are for family coaching to help target children with sleep issues such as not sleeping enough, not going to bed, or waking up frequently.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)

Cost & Payment Methods

Fee Structure
Fee Range

Other Eligibility Criteria
Special needs children with sleep issues between the ages of 1 and 14

Available 24/7

Intake Process
Visit the website or email for more information and to receive a free 15 minute consultation call
Self Refer
Intake Contact
Katie Holloran
Intake Contact Email

Report Problems