IFSP supports volunteers in five regions across Virginia. These volunteers make up the Regional Councils that help people with developmental disabilities live, work, and play in their community. Members of the public are welcome to attend Regional Council meetings!
To find the Regional Council in your community, visit the map of DBHDS service areas.
If you would like to connect with your local IFSP Regional Council, please “like” your local Regional Council’s Facebook Page.
Western (Region 1): www.facebook.com/VirginiaIFSPWesternRegion/
Northern (Region 2): www.facebook.com/IFSPnorthernregion/
Southwestern (Region 3): www.facebook.com/southwesternifsp/
Central (Region 4): www.facebook.com/IFSPRegion4/
Eastern (Region 5): www.facebook.com/IFSPeasternregion/
For additional information about the IFSP Regional Councils, please email us at IFSPcommunity@dbhds.virginia.gov.